My Parents & Me Groups
Enroll Now!
Groups Now Offered In-Person or On-line via Zoom!
Class times are in Pacific Time (PST)
Having a baby is a time of celebration, but it is also a time of big transitions as you try to navigate your way through the uncharted terrain of parenthood. When your baby first arrives, both you and your partner experience the joys as well as face the huge challenges. No relationship is unaltered.
We know how important it is for new families to have a community to come to every week where they can discuss and process questions like:
- “How do I know if I am doing this parenting thing right?”
- “How do I play and connect with my baby?”
- “How do we get our baby on some type of sleep schedule?”
- “How do I keep from getting frustrated with my partner over, well, everything?”
- “When and how do we introduce solids?”
- "Can I prevent food allergies?"
- “How do we stay sane during this insane time in our lives?”
The list goes on and on!
Build Your Village In-Person Again!!!
We are offering in-person classes in Santa Monica and Los Angeles! Click here to learn more about our new Class Locations.
Given the success of our virtual program we will continue to offer classes on Zoom for those who are not living in So Cal and those who prefer to continue taking classes virtually.
As always, the well-being and safety of our moms, dads and babies are of utmost importance to us. Please review our Parent & Me Class Guidelines for In-Person Classes prior to signing up for an in-person class.
More About Our Parent & Me Groups:
Our classes, led by licensed psychotherapists, provide parents with the understanding of how their babies mature emotionally, cognitively, socially and physically. In addition, we help new parents adjust to the joys and challenges of parenting. Based strongly on a mindful parenting philosophy, we emphasize parenting with awareness of what the present moment requires. We believe in using communication, connection and respect as the ideal way to raise secure, independent and empathic human beings. Our ultimate goal is that the class be both informative and fun. Our wish is for you to leave with confidence in your new role as a parent, as well as a wonderful support system of friends.
We offer 75-minute sessions that meet weekly and begin when your baby is between 4 and 8 weeks old. Five Curated Sessions are offered throughout babies first year and conclude with a very special graduation day as babies are approaching their first birthday. Sessions are structured as such:
- Session 1: 10 weeks
- Session 2: 8 weeks
- Session 3: 8 weeks
- Session 4: 8 weeks
- Session 5: 6 weeks
A new topic is presented for discussion each week, but we always include developmental play, as well as a "check-in" time to connect and ask questions. As babies grow, so does the curriculum, adding new activities to each session to help promote baby’s development. Enroll in our program and get Pump Station Parent & Me Perks! Perks include:
- Weekly handouts that include the most up-to-date and current research on parenting topics.
- 20% off all your merchandise purchases except Baby Gear (car seats, strollers, high chairs, bouncers, baby carriers and their accessories) & Breast Pumps
Please remember when registering there are 4 things to consider: (1) your baby’s birth date (2) the type of group you’re interested in (3) the location you’re interested in (4) whether you want a virtual or in-person group. There are several ways you can reserve your spot today:
- Click on the "Enroll Now" button here or at the very top of this page and you will see all group options.
- Scroll down to bottom of this page and you'll see all class options, find the group that’s right for you and enroll.
- If you’re unsure or have any questions:
- Call our new store at 2727 Main St in Santa Monica at 310-998-1981 and ask to speak to Norma, our program manager, or another member of our team.
- Email Norma at and provide the following information:
- Your Name
- Your Email
- Your Phone #
- Your little ones birth date or due date
We are so looking forward to seeing you all at one of our new class locations!!!
Meet Our Instructors