A couple sitting together with a laptop while expecting a baby.

The Reviews Keep Coming, Parents are Loving Our Virtual Village!

From Kathy B. 9/16/20 (Shopping)

Yelp 5 Star Review:

"Wanted to give praise to The Pump Station for a recent last minute gift purchase I made on their website. First of all, I was able to quickly and easily choose a beautiful gift from their curated selection of best-in-class products. Even better, I price compared and found the Pump Station's prices to be LOWER than both Target and Amazon on the items I selected! At checkout, I left a note that this was a shower gift and had to arrive 4 business days later. Within the hour, I got a call from Steve to go over my options. Rather than charge me for expedited shipping, Steve drove around at 4:00 on a Saturday afternoon until he found a UPS truck and handed my package to the driver to ensure it would get out on time. I heard from the hostess that my gift arrived a day ahead of the party and was beautifully packaged in a bag and tissue paper (no charge). Sure beats Amazon bubble wrap! Thank you Pump Station for making me look like a super star! Truly exceptional service!"

From Becca D (Baby Care 101)

We took a 4 hour virtual 101 class with Corkey and Barbara. They are both nurses and IBCLC certified so they really know their stuff. I found their presentation to be incredibly engaging (no small feat for being on zoom) and evidence based. They were efficient and somehow managed to cover everything from swaddling, car seat basics, and soothing techniques to infant bathing. I even learned some super helpful tips for basic things I thought I knew like putting on diaper and onsies. I am definitely going to take their breastfeeding class and am considering the virtual postpartum support group. The four hours was a little long but we are on the east coast so the evening classes during the week would have been a little to long. There is an option to take the class over two weekday evening days.


From Jasmine (Breastfeeding Class, Baby Care 101, Car Seat Installation)

LOVE this  place!  First of all the Virtual classes during quarantine were a game changer! I got to sit comfortably on my couch 8 months pregnant and learned so very much! It was so fun and informative. Breast feeding class was imperative and babycare was beyond helpful! I'd even recommend buying their babycare dvd to have caretakers watch as well! I'm so glad I did it! The staff there is super helpful and very knowledgeable. The owner Cheryl is incredibly hands on with the moms, the staff is warm and welcoming and always there to help. I got all the supplies I needed for baby including clothes, diapers, creams, toys, name it they had it! Also their prices are great! plus a discount after signing up for a class! I did a virtual shop and they brought everything to my car and even delivered some stuff to my door. It literally couldn't have been easier!!! Way better than online shopping bc I got to ask questions and get input on what to get! They also have all the latest gear and Adam helped install my car seat and taught us how to use it! So patient and helpful! I can't wait to take all their other classes with my little one as soon as he gets here! And I know I'll be back regularly to stock up on more goodies as he grows! Can't recommend this place enough!!!

From Marnie (for Mommy & Me)
I just thought it was great! It was way better as an experience than I thought it would be. I’m glad I got my computer set up to do it as I was initially planning to use my phone but the gallery view would have been tiny if it was even available.

I thought it just felt very natural and I liked the way that you led the class, having time for everyone to give an update. Probably helped that we were an established class that already knows each other but I think it would work anyway. 

It’s a bit harder to just talk during the class but that’s a limitation of using zoom and I don’t think it matters. I like the singing, I feel happy having it muted and listening to you.

I’d basically be happy to sign up for future classes being held this way if quarantine carries on after the end of this session. I’m glad we get to still meet. I’m getting a bit over staying at home by ourselves, I’m waking up each day ready for it to be over now, but don’t think it’s gonna be for a while! I have been trying to think of any suggestions but I’m just really happy so sorry I don’t have any constructive feedback.

From Nicole (Baby Care 101 & Introduction to Breastfeeding)

I took your 101 class today and it was great - much better than the zoom hospital classes I've been taking! I found both the introductory breastfeeding and baby care classes to be so helpful and was impressed by how they engaged us on zoom with Q&A and took care to show details up close to the screen so that we could have an experience that was like being in-person.

From Rachel (Virtual Lactation Consultation, Breastfeeding Support Group, Pump Rental)

Have had nothing but a positive experience with everyone at The Pump Station! Welcoming a baby in middle of a pandemic isn't the easiest, especially being a first time mom, but they were able to help in so many ways. A week after coming home from the hospital, I was really struggling with breastfeeding and worked with one of the lactation consultants, Allison, to get the help we needed. Through a virtual consult, she was able to get us going in a much better direction. Her knowledge was invaluable, and helped me feel so supported during this crazy time. I was able to rent a hospital grade pump from the store, and had my husband run over a couple of times to get things we needed. I ordered over the phone, and they had a great set up so my husband could easily pick up items in a contact-free way. They also have a virtual weekly breastfeeding support group. Above all the services they offer, it's clear that they really truly care, and are happy to help.

From Caitlin (for Mommy & Me) 
“I'm reaching out because I greatly appreciate the expediency with which the Pump Station accommodated our concerns regarding attending the class, and I thought that the class was overall a smashing success.

I think that having this option in the future is excellent - both during this time with looming concern over everyone's health but also, say for instance in the event that a mother has a common cold and doesn't want to infect the rest of the group but would like to participate and also get the information of that day's topic. I think having this option is fantastic, in that it doesn't create incentive for a mother to bring herself or a sick baby to class because she doesn't want to miss the discussion.

Also, given the uncertainty with Covid-19, I personally have begun practicing social distancing, and might end up having to miss other future classes if things are to get worse in our community. I know an email circulated from the SMSD that while there are no confirmed cases in SM, there *may* be cases at Samohi, Franklin Elementary, and Muir elementary. As we find out more about how much this disease is spreading our community, I'm sure many mothers will find it prudent to stay home with their babies.

When things get back to normal, I think the key to this is having the virtual meeting as an option for people. If mothers and babies are healthy and want to come in to the Pump Station, that is obviously the most ideal option, as the babies can have social interactions and can actually enjoy the puppets and bubbles. But in these times of uncertainty, or when mom/baby are sick in the future it’s great having the flexibility to still reap the benefits of the social interactions for the mothers (being able to see each other and hear each other’s voices via camera) is a wonderful alternative.“

From Gillian – (Prenatal Breastfeeding Class)

First, I really would like to thank you all for the virtual Breastfeeding class with Corky that was held last Saturday. Both my husband and I found it very informative and well done with our given circumstances. You all made the virtual learning effective and fun, so thank you all for that.

From Paull (before Baby Care 101)
I love this! We'll be joining by video conference tomorrow, and signing up for more classes by video too! Good on you for offering this option -- really smart work to help us all flatten the curve!

From Paull (after Baby Care 101)
Thanks again for making today available by VC! We watched the whole thing and loved it, and had a lot of peace of mind being at home right now as we self-isolate! We'll be joining more classes by video in the coming weeks!

From Rachel (for Pediatric Safety / Home CPR)
It was awesome! Tyler was great we definitely feel more prepared now! Thank you so much!

From Diana (after Breastfeeding Class & Baby Care 101)

Thanks for everything, the classes were amazing I learned so much from them.

From Sirena - Real  Food Baby  Class

The class was excellent. I love her approach to feeding - its both clear and flexible. I actually took a class with her four years ago for my older daughter and it really shaped the way I approach her eating to this day. I was glad to get a refresher and all the handouts again (since I have no clue where I stored my old copies). I recommended the class to my friends too!

From Natasha (for Mommy & Me)
I wasn’t sure what to think but now that I’ve tried zoom, I think it’s a great solution to not being able to have our regular in person class time:-) It was nice to see all the other moms and babes and have the face to face check ins. I think you managed everyone beautifully. Not sure where there could be improvement? Thank you for taking this on!

From Sharilyn (for Virtual Lactation Consultation)

During this crazy time (you know, pandemic!) I have been really struggling with breastfeeding and am still working on it. Sadly, since we're being extra cautious because of the little guy we didn't want to have anyone come to our home. Which really makes it difficult when you have a newborn that isn't latching well, sore nipples, and 1,000 questions. Long story long I found Allison through the pump station and man I am forever grateful. I have had several video chats with her where we worked on everything from breastfeeding, pumping, nipple cracks & pain to napping and sleep issues. She has been a huge help and so responsive and patient with all of my first time mom questions and concerns. I will definitely be recommending her to any and all of my mom-to-be friends! THANKS ALLISON

From Hailey (for Mommy & Me)
Due to our concern of community spread of coronavirus in California, our family made the decision to practice social distancing until there is more clarity and information. In addition to both my and my husband's workplaces shutting down physical offices for a few weeks (people are asked to work remotely), we also decided not to attend mommy and me classes for the time being.

I was extremely sad to miss the Mommy and me class at the pump station, but we were fortunately offered an opportunity to participate virtually. Other mommies in my class had voiced the same concerns about being out at this uncertain time, so seven mommies participated in the class via video conferencing offered by the pump station. And two mommies were in the actual class room.

Was it exactly the same as being in the same physical space with other mommies and babies? Of course not, but it was the next best thing for me. Jill, our instructor, was amazing at facilitating the discussion (Sleep at 4 months - a topic that we were all eagerly waiting for) for both the mommies online and in class. People were able to participate, share thoughts and offer support for others. I of course missed the actual interactions that would happen in the classroom, but this felt right for me in the time of uncertainty. And it was so nice to interact with other mommies, albeit virtually, and get guidance from Jill on the topic of sleep in the comfort of my home.

From Alison (for Breastfeeding 101)
I loved Corky and the intro to breastfeeding class. My hospital canceled it which is good because I was getting afraid to go in there anyway, Corky was amazing and the zoom worked great. I learned a ton and it was really reassuring to figure out how to get off to a good start with everything going on. Good to know I could rent a hospital breast pump from Pump Station once our Molly gets here too.

From Jenna & Jo (for Mommy & Me)
Thank you so much for yesterday’s zoom option. When my husband asked me on Wednesday to start self-quarantine and not leave unless absolutely necessary, all I could think about was missing this class (and all the others I might miss moving forward as we are all so unsure of how this will play out).
The lessons from Jill and support from the other mommies are something I look forward to every week, and I’m so grateful you were able to put this zoom together so quickly.

While it’s hard to replace in-person sessions, I still found the virtual session got very close and there were even benefits like being able to put ourselves on mute when Jo got fussy :-).

Again, I just really appreciate having this option and both of you for making it happen! Even with the audio and visuals not being perfect, it was way better than having to miss a session and also better than postponing, in my opinion. Our topics are usually very timely with where our babies are in their development. I know there would have been a collective gasp heard across Los Angeles if we had to postpone Sleep Week!

From Jillian (for Mommy & Me)
Thanks Jill! I thought the session was great. My feedback is more about what I should do vs. what we need from you - have diapers, bottle, etc. reachable, set it up a few minutes before we start, and make sure I’m muting most of the time. I really appreciate all you’re doing to make this work.

From Bethany (for Mommy & Me)
I thought it was great. It actually went really smooth considering it was the first time any of us used Zoom. I'm going to work on getting my laptop to work before next week. Phone was definitely not ideal! Thanks for making it happen this week. It was a very informative class!!

From Neda (for Mommy & Me)
For us it worked! The main reason we joined the group was to feel like we were not going through all these new parenting challenges alone. I would say this definitely counts as one of those scary isolating (literally!) moments. It was nice to be able to connect, even virtually, with everyone else and talk about it still. So I would say this is an awesome second best option, until we can see each other again in class! I am hoping that will be soon. I do feel bad for Mateo not being to play with other kids

From Marie (for Pediatric Safety / Home CPR)
Great class given the circumstances! Tyler was amazing!

From Marnie
Just wanted to say Thank you so much for putting on virtual Mommy and me classes and the free music class. We joined the music class today and it was really fun. Really really appreciate what you have been able to do to keep things going for us.

From Robbins, Scarlett & Knox (Music w/ Kira)

Scarlett and I just wanted to pass on a quick note of thanks to Kira.  We look forward to music time on Monday and Wednesday all week (so much so that my parents join on FaceTime just to watch Knox giggle).  

 The current climate is challenging.  Kira is a ray of sunshine for our little boy (and us).  

From Rachel, Brandon & Baby Stella
CPR Squad Class and Virtual Baby Shower:

The Pump Station is literally full of Angels and people with the biggest warmest hearts EVER! I am 8 months pregnant and about to give birth in just four short weeks... all during this very scary Corona Pandemic... Just a week ago I commented on an instagram post that was checking in with new moms and mothers to be... to see how we were all doing and coping... I said that I was bummed because I had just learned my baby shower would have to be cancelled, and that my mother who I haven't seen in two years would have to postpone her trip up here as well. Without hesitation, Cheryl and Jen from The Pump Station reached out to me and offered to host a virtual baby shower! They amazingly, were able to put this together in a 1 short week, still have my shower on the actual day and time it was supposed to be and orchestrated a zoom call where this would all be possible. They literally thought of everything from food, favors, cake, gifts and even the kept the theme of the original plan. ON top of that.... they have graciously supported my husband and I in preparing for the arrival of our little one, holding virtual child CPR classes and virtual birthing classes, they truly have given us back some of what we thought Covid-19 had taken off the table.... I HIGHLY recommend these classes especially being able to do them in the comfort of our home was really amazing, the classes are interactive, informative and very very practical. If you are near or far The pump station will go above and beyond to support moms to be and new mothers in their journey and I have to tell you especially now, this was a Godsend. Thank you Cheryl, Jen, Tyler and the whole Crew at Pumpstation!!! You have given us so much love and support and we couldn't be more appreciative! Love, Rachel, Brandon & Baby Stella!


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