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Tips to Relieve Engorgement

Tips to Relieve Engorgement

What is Engorgement?

What is Normal? It is normal and expected for your breasts to become larger and to feel heavy, warm, and tender between the third and fifth day after your baby is born. These breast changes are due to an increase in milk volume as well as an increase in blood and lymph fluids flowing to the breast. The changes signal the "incoming" of your more mature milk, and are a positive sign of good breast function. If your baby is nursing well, this condition resolves in about 24-48 hrs. Frequent nursing from birth (every 2-3 hours or 8-12 x or more in 24 hours) helps reduce the tenderness and fullness of your breast.

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Overactive Let-Down

Overactive Let-Down

The ability to produce enough milk is a common concern among breastfeeding mothers. The lack of proper education, no role models, and the loss of breastfeeding as a cultural norm, have contributed to the myth that women might have insufficient milk supplies. When, in fact, almost all women are capable of producing adequate volumes of milk for their babies. But how much is too much? And what should you do if you have overactive let-down!

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